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Family Icons

Here you can find your Family Icon and other well known Family Icons from online mafia games.
Convenient for those bringing in new families and also if lost your icon just make sure you check here for icons to use., if your family icon is not here
Let us know we will be glad to add yours here.

Just follow these steps to saving icon and loading them:

1. Right click on the icon
2. Save the icon to your desktop and remember where on your computer you saved them
3. Then search for the icon on your computer and upload the icon using the family options.

If you need assistance please contact one of the staff.

Other useful sites to upload your own icon are http://tinypic.com/ or www.photobucket.com where you can also find flash and media for your profile.

How to upload Youtube Video's to your profile

Just follow the steps:

1. Find your favorite youtube video

2. Take the original URL from your favorite video.:

For Example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WM1RChZk1EU

3. Delete the following in the URL.:: watch?

4. Replace the equal sign with "/"

After you followed steps 3 and 4, your URL should look like this: http://www.youtube.com/v/WM1RChZk1EU

5. Then add this "&autoplay=1.swf" to the end of the URL.::

So your URL should look like this: http://www.youtube.com/v/WM1RChZk1EU&autoplay=1.swf

6. Copy and paste that URL to your profile and click update

New Graphics to be in placed Soon


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